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Andrew Donnelly

I've always had a fascination with space and coupled with my interests in technology and photography it seems obvious now that I would have fallen into astrophotography. The challenge of capturing the images and the complexities around it make it extremely rewarding. Seeing that first light of a fuzzy DSO (deep space object) is awesome.

I started in astrophotography more than 10 years ago on an extremely tight budget, trying to plug a webcam into a fairly poor quality Newtonian telescope. I had zero success with this, but try, try again and with a TON!! of research, trial and error, failures, gear and perseverance I finally started getting some nice images. These images are the result of that process.

Below (middle) is the image that made me pursue astrophotography. It was taken with a DSLR using a prime 50 mm lens precariously balanced on the roof of the car. I didn't believe my girlfriend that the light cloud in the sky was actually the milky way galaxy. She was right, as always.

© Astro Frontyard - A humble look at the stars. All images are shot with a one shot colour camera and are processed with the human eye in mind.

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